In addition to the preservation of artifacts in a physical environment, we are in a continuous stage of development for an immersive environment that allows users to experience the project in a 3D virtual reality space. Through Virtual Four Four, viewers are pulled into an imagined world where digital archiving meets VR meets pedagogical sensibility. Our goal is to provide an educational experience that’s entertaining, engaging, and mixes sound, music, visuals, and technology in experimental ways that deliver an unforgettable exploration.

Virtual Four Four is designed to access via desktop, tablet, mobile or via VR (Virtual Reality) headset.

HipHop2020 x DH: The Journey

  • 2012-2014

    Expanded the online platform to a digital archive. Moved from the use of Pano2VR to Unity.

  • 2017-2019

    Expanded the digital archive from 4 rooms to 11; Focused on designing a unified spatial environment. Moved out of the hard-coding of metadata; Dynamic UI; Curation of project-specific data.

  • 2019-2022

    Current build. Designed a VR component. Continuous building of interactivity and content management system.

Experience the Archive
In Virtual Reality

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Step Into Our World

  • Mike Webster Room

    Acquired in 2012, the Michael Webster Collection includes a vinyl collection of over 5000 records, original autographs, and materials.

  • HipHop2020 Collection

    The HipHop2020 Collection includes music, hip hop journalism, papers, oral history interviews, and other material culture representing the culture between 1994 to 2016.